Monday, 20 May 2013

Menopause Testing

In each Profession with experience task gets more repetitive , mundane  , less challenging, boring . There comes a day/week/phase which is like menopause ? The focus changes from core profession task with no creativity to people management , other skills focus , changing stream etc. IT Profession is no different in this aspect. The software development , testing all goes through the phase and person has to be prepared for this.

This phase also has challenges for the organization people start to leave to find something new in another organization , less motivated people becomes complacent which results in more mistakes and lesser productivity. People having enough time on planned task and invest time on office politics and other non core focus areas.How does organization make use of this phase is challenge.

While organization takes a different route and more specific with each organization type services vs Product , large size vs small size etc. I will talk more at individual level how you can take charge of your career at this phase. I would recommend to invest time on training , connecting through forums , participating in  Test Competition, writing testing blogs etc.

The training would give you an edge over others in your subject. Since our tasks mainly focuses on specific features we tent to use 10-20% of the features only while rest 80% is never used. This is more like pareto where 20% of feature solves your 80% problem . Enrolling in Bug finder sites will give adrenaline boost as it involves some extra money too depends on which phase your application is in you can get paid for each bug you find.

Test competition is another way you can get your skills toned and learn about the techniques and tools with little risk involved.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

    Software Testing Training Chennai
